When faced with the challenge of creating innovative packaging, we immediately opted to create a system that would benefit both the environment and the daily lives of hair product consumers. Everyone knows that plastic is bad for the earth, and recycling programs have been around for many years but haven’t had the desired impact. While thinking of products people use on a daily basis, we thought of how the design of most shampoo and conditioner bottles make it impossible to get every bit of product out. Most of us resort to cutting the bottle in half to scoop the product out, or simply throwing away usable product.
For these reasons, we decided to approach sustainable packaging in a way that would appeal to our selfish side.
Our packaging system is easier and cheaper for consumers to use and allows the consumer to tailor their purchase to their individual needs.
We expanded the haircare system OGX by creating a new reusable bottle, in-store product dispenser, and educational hang-tags. Instead of coming up with our own brand, we decided to rebrand an existing company as this would provide our system with credibility and a loyal customer base in a real-world scenario.
The bright colors, friendly and organic wordmark, simplistic bottle design, and hang tags invite the customer to try the system. Most importantly, we are able to keep the price of the product low, as the customer makes an initial purchase of the bottle, which they can refill and use to pay by weight in the future. Our system allows the customer to participate in environmentally friendly practices hassle-free.
Designed By: Marie Steiger, Julia Dobie, and Lexi Drake