When people are shopping for groceries they expect to see what they are buying. Showing the product—especially food products—on the packaging is a must when the goal is inspiring the appetite of the consumer. Because of this, design often takes a backseat. Almost every cereal box you see depicts a bowl filled with cereal on top of a bright-colored background always accompanied by refreshing splashes of milk. However, when every package is the same, nothing stands out.
How do you balance having a nice clean design while still being able to see the product? How do you show the product without really showing it? This design sets out to answer those questions. With a transparent box, both the product and the design are allowed to shine. We are seeing the actual product and not just a fake idealistic representation that the rest of the boxes on the shelf are selling.
Cheerios themselves just recently announced that their cereal is no longer made with genetically modified ingredients in an effort to be a pure and healthy source of nutrients. This fact helps to strengthen the design choice because the clear plastic can also represent this concept of pure, honest ingredients—being transparent about what they’re selling. The box will be made out of biodegradable plastic so as not to replace something environmentally friendly with something that’s not and using plastic instead of cardboard also helps reduce the threat of deforestation. The design is nice and simple, having all the normal design elements of the regular box while foregoing the bright yellow for transparency and using white ink with sparing uses of red imprints the message of purity thoroughly.
Designed by: Marie Steiger